廣州市彩之源印務有限公司于1999年成立,至今已有13年的光輝。本廠座落于廣州市白云區嘉禾。這里毗鄰風景優美的白云山,交通便利。由本廠出發5分鐘可接駁佛開高速、佛山一環、華南快速干線,廣州機場更是15分鐘可到達。由開廠至今一直秉承著“顧客至上,服務為本,品質為先,價格合理!”的理念經營。發展至今,我司規模已達兩百多人,十年印刷經驗師傅數十名,印刷院校本科畢業生數名,10年印刷工作經驗的生產工過半數;印刷主要設備有:對開四色、五色海德堡印刷機各兩臺,全開四色羅蘭印刷機兩臺,海德堡CTP機一臺,海德堡折頁機兩臺,配有騎馬釘機,圓盤無線膠裝機,鎖線膠裝機,筆記本高頻機,筆記本油邊機,全自動UV機,燙金機等后工序設備。我司是一家以設計印刷彩色畫冊,宣傳單張,紙類手挽袋,無碳紙單據,陶瓷、布藝、馬賽克等企業的色卡,樣品冊以及生產各款掛歷,臺歷,吊牌,日歷芯,利是封,定制專版月歷,生產筆記本,無紡布袋等為主的實體企業。本司以立足廣東輻射全球的營銷模式,使產品暢銷國內外市場!更是多家銀行和實業單位定點采購對象! 歡迎各位嘉賓來廠參觀、打樣、下單,請相信我們的合作會給您的事業帶來輝煌! 為擴大公司業務和更好更快捷地服務當地客戶,我司下設多個經營部:包括番禺、從化、花都、增城、清遠、韶關、江門、中山、東莞、佛山等。 Guangzhou Caizhiyuan co., LTD., founded in 1998, it has been 13 years. By the factory was set up to now that our principle is “the customer is supreme, service and quality first, supply reasonable price”. Development up to now, Our company scale has reached more than two hundred people, there are dozens of ten years experience in printing master, and several printing colleges and universities undergraduate course graduates. Major Printing Equipment: Folio four-color and five-color Heidelberg printing machine, fully open four-color Roland printing presses, Heidelberg CTP machine, Heidelberg folding machine, Saddle Finisher, Wireless installed plastic disk, lock line installed plastic, automatic UV machine, process equipment after gilding press etc. Our company is a design printing color picture, propaganda leaflet, Paper hand holding bag, carbon-freepaper, the color card and catalogue with Ceramic, cloth and art Mosaic, and other enterprises. We specializing in the production of calendars, desk calendar, tag, calendar, and is sealed, custom page calendar.