公司簡介 濟南林陽機械有限公司是集科、工、貿為一體的高新技術企業,致力于擠壓膨化食品工藝及設備的開發、研制和生產。主營產品有:膨化食品機械、寵物飼料機械、早餐谷物粥生產線、組織蛋白生產線、雜糧米生產線、玉米片生產線、粟米條生產線、面包糠生產線、預糊化淀粉生產線等,先后研發了數十種膨化機械設備及技術,現已成為國內外重要的專業生產廠家。 公司擁有經驗豐富的經營管理人員,優秀的工程技術人員及訓練有素的技術工人,并經常與世界著名的同行業企業進行技術交流,引進先進的產品技術和生產工藝,形成實力雄厚的技術保障體系。公司秉承“誠信立足,協同發展”的經營理念,以產品質量為基石,以技術開發為先導,全心全意,專業專注。用精良的技術,真誠的態度和完善的服務為市場提供品質卓越的產品。 Jinan Linyang Machinery Co., Ltd. is a high-tech extrusion enterprise which integrates technical research, production and marketing. Committed to researching, developing, producing of extrusion food processing line over the years. We have already developed dozens of food machinery equipments and technologies, and have become an important professional manufacturer at home and abroad. 公司擁有經驗豐富的經營管理人員,優秀的工程技術人員及訓練有素的技術工人,并經常與世界著名的同行業企業進行技術交流,引進先進的產品技術和生產工藝,形成實力雄厚的技術保障體系。公司秉承“誠信立足,協同發展”的經營理念,以產品質量為基石,以技術開發為先導,全心全意,專業專注。用精良的技術,真誠的態度和完善的服務為市場提供品質卓越的產品。 The company has owned well-experienced management staff, outstanding engineers as well as well-trained technical workers, We often organize technical exchange with world-renowned enterprises of the same line in the world. We introduced advanced product technology and production processes, And also we have formed powerful technical support system for the company. Since the very beginning, our company adhering to the principle of "Integrity based, coordinated development." ?business philosophy, we regard product quality as the cornerstone, we think of the technology development as the guide, dedication, professionalism and focus. We adopt sophisticated technology, sincere attitude and wonderful services to supply quality products in the market. 經營范圍 食品生產專用設備、飼料生產專用設備、包裝設備的技術開發、銷售、安裝、維護、技術維護;機械設備、實驗室設備、電子設備、五金交電及配件的批發、零售;進出口業務;(依法需要批準的項目,經相關部分批準后方可開展經營活動。)