紹興縣協亞紡織品有限公司成立于2009年,公司位于全球紡織品交易中心,亞洲最大的紡織品集散中心---柯橋中國輕紡城。我公司擁有自己的工廠,實力雄厚。 公司專業生產R(人棉) C T/C 紗卡 帆布 全棉彈力 高支高密 紗羅 華夫格 防靜電等棉類系列面料及雪紡面料. 公司有專業的研發部門和質量檢驗部門,因此可以更好的保證面料的款式和質量. 品質以中高檔為主,質量穩定 價格合理 。 其中人造棉面料 全棉提花紗羅面料,有種類齊全,設計新穎兩大亮點。公司本著“質量第一 ,服務至上,以誠信求發展”的企業方針,贏得了客戶以及同行一致好評。產品遠銷海內外各大城市。真誠希望能與您共贏合作,共創美好明天。Shaoxing County Xieya Textile Co., Ltd was founded in 2009.It is located in the global textile trade center, Asia's largest textile distributing center - keqiao China Textile City.Our company is strong and has its own factory.It is professional engaged in rayon、all cotton、T/C、twill、canvas、stretch cotton、high count and high density 、gauze、walf checks、electrostatic discharge fabric and series of chiffon fabric .The company has a professional R&D department and quality inspection department,styles and quality assurance fabric can therefore be better.The fabric’s quality is in the high-end steadily and the price is reasonable.We have many kinds of rayon fabric and cotton jacquard gauze fabric which are modern design.We always implement the “surviving on high quality ,providing best services and seeking development with prestige” to win customers and peers praise.Products are exported overseas each big city.Sincere hope that with your win-win cooperation and create a better tomorrow.