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200多年前,英國人John Arnold發明了截斷式雙金屬補償擺輪:在靠近軸臂附近有兩個截斷處,作為金屬熱脹冷縮的緩沖。這種擺輪的外層是銅,約占擺輪厚度2/3,內層是鋼,占1/3。兩種金屬擁有不同的膨脹系數,當溫度上升時,銅外層膨脹系數大于鋼內層,迫使在截斷處擺輪環向內彎曲,縮小了擺輪半徑,降低了慣性力矩,從而補償了隨溫度升高而改變彈性和長度的游絲的變化。當溫度降低時,銅外層收縮系數大于鋼內層,迫使擺輪環向外彎,有效半徑增大,力矩增大速率放慢,補償了由于低溫而加速了的游絲的變化,這就是冷熱溫度補償(Cold and Heat Adjust)。
普通擺輪:設計雖然簡單,但被不少 C.O.S.C. 天文臺表采用。它由一新合金制成Glucydur - 成份:鈹、銅及鐵 (berrylium bronze),優點是非常硬及穩定,耐變形,防磁,及防銹。平價腕表也有用此設計,但選用的是平價物料。
雙金屬螺釘擺輪:擺輪邊的螺絲可調進或出,改變位置,而螺絲下之螺絲帽也可增加或減少。作用是平衡擺輪。當調節置于切割位邊之螺絲的進出,可補償溫度改變對擺輪之影響。增加重量或把螺絲移近切割位邊時,溫差補償能力會增加。同時,這擺輪也是由兩種合金制成,而補償溫度改變 。
螺絲擺輪:約于 1930年,不少的合金 成為了擺輪的物料。最出名的合金是 Nivarox,成份:鎳、鉻berrylium、鈦、鋁及鐵。最高級的 Nivarox 游絲 (Nivarox I Highest) 之溫度誤差是+/_0.3 秒/每度每日。新的合金容許單一物料擺輪,因為 擺輪無需再為游絲被溫度影響 作出補償。
砝碼擺輪:因為砝碼上的裂縫會減少該點的重量,轉動法碼便可改變擺輪邊的重量分配。如一雙相對的法碼以同方式調整,腕表的日差便可被調整。越多法碼指向擺輪外(裂縫指向擺輪中心)會增加擺輪的有效直徑,并減慢腕表的時間。法碼也可獨立調整以用作平衡 擺輪本身。此設計被百達翡麗大量使用。
We have common watch balance wheel is commonly known as light Swing wheel. From the late 1960s, more than 90 percent of Swiss watches are light put out. Watch now commonplace light pendulum is the result of 600 years of technological progress and development comes from.
The greatest enemy of the balance wheel: Temperature
There is a balance Achilles' heel: the temperature change. Balance wheel is made of metal circular, temperature changes lead to changes in part size, temperature larger diameter, while the metal springs soften watch will obviously go slow. Balance the effect of temperature is very sensitive, after calculation, the first steel balance and spring, the temperature rises 60 degrees Fahrenheit or about 33 degrees Celsius, the day will go slow 393 seconds, which is 6 and a half minutes.
Temperature compensation method
200 years ago, the Englishman John Arnold invented the truncated bimetallic compensation balance: In the near vicinity of the shaft has two arms cut off at the expansion and contraction of the metal as a buffer. This outer balance of copper, accounting for about two-thirds of the thickness of the balance wheel, the inner layer is steel, 1/3. Two metals with different coefficients of expansion, when the temperature rises, the outer layer of copper is greater than the coefficient of expansion of steel lining, put in force at the cut-off wheel ring bent inward, reducing the balance wheel radius, reducing the moment of inertia, thereby compensating with temperature changes and changes in the length of the elastic springs. When the temperature decreases, the shrinkage factor is larger than the outer steel copper lining, forcing the balance wheel ring outwardly curved, the effective radius increases, the torque increase rate slowed down, due to low temperature and compensates for accelerated change gossamer, which is cold heat temperature compensation (Cold and heat Adjust).
The four most common watch balance wheel
Ordinary balance: the design is simple, but it was a lot of C.O.S.C. chronometer use. It consists of a new alloy Glucydur - Ingredients: beryllium, copper and iron (berrylium bronze), the advantage is very hard and stable, resistant to deformation, magnetic, and rust. Cheap watch is also useful for this design, but the choices are cheap materials.
Bimetallic screw balance wheel: adjustable screw balance wheel rim or out, changing position, and screw the screw cap is also under increased or reduced. The role of the balance wheel. When the adjustment screw placed in the cutting edge out of position, it can compensate for temperature changes on the balance wheel. When the increase in weight or the screw bit closer to the cutting edge, temperature compensation capability will increase. At the same time, this balance is made of two alloys, and compensate for temperature changes.
Screw balance wheel: Approximately in 1930, many alloys become a balance wheel material. The most famous alloy Nivarox, ingredients: nickel, chromium berrylium, titanium, aluminum and iron. The most advanced Nivarox gossamer (Nivarox I Highest) the temperature error is + / _ 0.3 seconds / per degree day. The new alloy allow a single material balance, because balance wheel gossamer was no longer compensate for the temperature effects.
Weight balance: because cracks will reduce the weight on the weight of the point of rotation method code can change the weight distribution side of the balance wheel. As one pair of opposed adjustment method code in the same way, the difference between day watch can be adjusted. The more points to balance external law code (crack point balance center) will increase the effective diameter of the balance wheel, and slow time watch. Law code can also be independently adjusted to serve as a balance wheel itself. This design has been widely used Patek Philippe.
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