(7)平常最好不要天天戴同一只帝舵機械表,應多準備幾款不同的帝舵機械表交替使用,除了能豐富個人的造型,也可避免灰塵、體垢全集中在同一只帝舵機械表上。對于皮表帶,更要小心呵護,以免天天使用造成表帶的經常性磨損拉扯,那么即使表面新新的,{公用詞庫 2}機械表看起來也會十分老舊。
(8)把帝舵機械表戴在手腕子上睡覺,如果帝舵機械表是夜光表,就會給身體帶來不利影響。這是因為夜光表的指針和刻度盤上涂的發光材料,主要是鐳和硫化鋅的混合物,鐳 放出的射線能激發硫化鋅晶體發光,睡覺時,如果戴著帝舵機械表,人體就會受到八至九小時的鐳輻射,對人體有一定危害。因此,睡覺前,最好把夜光表取下來,放到桌子 上。
mechanical table is recommended every 1 to 2 years should be the corresponding maintenance, replacement of waterproof components, detection of travel time performance and the movement of power consumption, cleaning movement and maintenance of appearance, etc.. Such maintenance services will effectively extend the time of use of your mechanical watch.
(1) wearing a watch, hand sweat is corrosive to the case, the steel case is due to Ni Cr alloy, better anti corrosion performance, a steel case is copper, long-term and sweat contact, easy corrosion, often should use soft cloth to wipe the sweat orpad plastic table support to prevent its being sweat erosion.
(2) will not mechanical table on mothballs in the wardrobe in order to avoid the deterioration of the oil table.
(3) do not put the mechanical table in the power amplifier, sound, TV, so as not to magnetization.
(4) long-term storage does not wear mechanical watch, should be a regular monthlywound automatic movement, the mechanical watch should be gently swinging back and forth for a few minutes or worn on the wrist for a period of time to the wind. The part is not in a static state for a long time, so as to ensure the running performance of the machine.
(5) mechanical watch by the tide, can use dry cotton on thewatch, with a 40 watt bulb and bake for 5 minutes, and the moisture can all be evaporated.
(6) received a beloved mechanical table, remove the outer packaging, do you want to save the packaging box with a good protective machinery table. The protection of mechanical watch box, can give the most secure protection of mechanical watches in ordinary not wearing, avoid watchis broken or be collision, so the box reserved is absolutely necessary, and advice on weekdays do not wear mechanical watch, the habit is put in the box, can greatly reduce the probability of mechanical watch damaged.
(7) usually best not to wear the same day a mechanical watch, should prepare several different mechanical watches used alternately, in addition to enrich individual modelling, also can prevent the dust and dirt on the same machine table. For the leather watchband, the more careful care, so as not to cause frequent use everyday watch strap wear pull, so even if the surface of fresh, mechanical watch looks very old.
(8) the mechanical wear to sleep on his wrist, if the mechanical watch is luminous, will bring bad effects to the body. This is because the light emitting material and luminous dial pointer table painted, is mainly a mixture of zinc sulfide and radium, radium emits rays can stimulate ZnS crystal light sleep, if wearing a mechanical watch, the body will have eight radium radiation to nine hours, there is a certain harm to human body. Therefore, before going to bed, put down the best luminous table, on the table.
(9) table cover renovation. Mechanical table table is marked by a lot of lines, you can drop one or two drops of water on the table, and then squeeze a little toothpaste rub, you can remove the lines and make the table a new.